Danielle S. Bassett, University of Pennsylvania
Part two – Perturbation and Control for Human Brain Network Dynamics
Danielle S. Bassett, University of Pennsylvania
Nathan Spreng, PhD, McGill University
Explorations into the default network of the human brain
Lucina Uddin, PhD, University of Miami
Brain dynamics and flexible behaviors
Daniel Ansari, PhD, Western University of Ontario
Number symbols in brain and mind
David Badre, PhD, Brown University
Prefrontal cortex and the hierarchical control of behavior
Katarzyna Chawarska, PhD, Yale School of Medicine
Social and Affective Characteristics of Infants and Toddlers with ASD
Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD, Columbia University
Socioeconomic Inequality and Children’s Brain Development
Stephanie Jones, PhD, Brown University
Uri Hasson, PhD, Princeton University
**No recording available for this talk**
Tor Wager, PhD, Dartmouth College
Neuroimaging of pain and emotion:Â Computation, representation, and regulationÂ
Michele Diaz, PhD, Penn State
Evidence of age-related phonological impairments in language production
Theresa Desrochers, PhD, Brown University
Sequential control in the frontal cortex: studies in animals and humans
**No recording available for this talk**
James V. Haxby, PhD, Dartmouth College
Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, PhD, Northeastern University
Clinical Translation of Resting State Networks
Vincent Gracco, PhD, Hasins Labs & McGill University
Functional Networks and Speech Production
**No recording available for this talk**
David C. Steffens, M.D., M.H.S.
Linking Late-Life Depression, Cognitive Impairment, and Dementia
Lihong Wang, PhD, UConn Health Center
Neuroimaging Markers of Cognitive Reserve and Brain Aging
Tips You Won’t Get at Grant Writing Courses: NIH, NSF, foundation grants and philanthropy.
With Speakers Emily Meyers PhD UConn SLHS/Psych, James Magnuson PhD UConn Psych/SLAC, Fumiko Hoeft MD PhD UConn Psych/BIRC and Rachel Marshall and Louis Bach from UConn Foundation.
Due to potential conflicts of interest, UConn members can contact birc@uconn.edu to request access to the presentation.