Past BIRC Speakers and Recordings

Danielle S. Bassett, University of Pennsylvania

Part two – Perturbation and Control for Human Brain Network Dynamics

Danielle S. Bassett, University of Pennsylvania

Part one – Science as Culture

Nathan Spreng, PhD, McGill University

Explorations into the default network of the human brain


Lucina Uddin, PhD, University of Miami

Brain dynamics and flexible behaviors

Daniel Ansari, PhD, Western University of Ontario

Number symbols in brain and mind

David Badre, PhD, Brown University

Prefrontal cortex and the hierarchical control of behavior

Katarzyna Chawarska, PhD, Yale School of Medicine

Social and Affective Characteristics of Infants and Toddlers with ASD

Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD, Columbia University

Socioeconomic Inequality and Children’s Brain Development

Stephanie Jones, PhD, Brown University

Uri Hasson, PhD, Princeton University

**No recording available for this talk**

Tor Wager, PhD, Dartmouth College

Neuroimaging of pain and emotion:  Computation, representation, and regulation 

Michele Diaz, PhD, Penn State

Evidence of age-related phonological impairments in language production